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Moped - 2 or 3-wheeled vehicle with an engine of a small volume (50 cm ?) and a maximum speed of 50 km /h (according to Russian SDA, in others may be other definitions).


Mopeds officially share with motorcycles in traffic due to the moped, unlike a motorcycle, does not require state registration, inspection, insurance, rights management. In addition, owing to the low rate of traffic prescribed that mopeds are required to move as close as possible to the right edge of the road. Due to these properties, as well as low cost of honor and low fuel consumption, mopeds earned quite popular.


types of mopeds:



moped Riga 11 Classic moped


"Classic" mopeds are bicycle pedal drive and chain drive to the rear wheel, clutch and brake in the rear wheel hub. brake is like a bicycle, pedaling backwards. rear wheel is also equipped with a driven sprocket chain drive motor (no clutch, hard).


on the same shaft with the engine sprocket is installed. Shafts and engine sprocket sometimes disconnected clutch - clutch. Clutch off lever on the left handlebar grips. Transmission missing sometimes set gear. Right handle steering - grip throttle (it rotates and controls the throttle valve carburetor.) In addition, the right stick is equipped with steering the front brake lever.


Engine starts usually after a set of speed moped velosepednogo by pedal power. When the moped to overclock, you need to slowly release the clutch to begin to rotate the motor shaft. Thus, there is no transmission, on steep slopes and difficult areas of the road will have to help the engine may pedaling.


when stopping for a short time, there is no need to turn off the engine - you can just squeeze the clutch, then you can start using the engine, slowly release the clutch. This simple scheme of work was on the very first motorcycle.


The lack gear and speed control only one handle gas mopeds with this design is called "gas". They are also called motorbike (although the word formed from the moped motorcycle and bicycle), as design of modern moped much more difficult.


There are also so-called mofy ( Motor-Fahrrad it.) - they have a constructive speed limit 25 km /h
These mopeds emerged after the introduction in Europe of rights to manage other mopeds.
motorbikes, despite its name, and the pedals are poorly suited for driving without a motor, as it is:
  • much heavier than ordinary bicycle;
  • his seat adapted to drive the motor (which is wider and lower situated);
  • has a low ratio of chain transfer from the pedals to the wheel to make it easy to get under way with the pedal to start the engine later.

bicycle with motor This class can be attributed moedov "moped engines" that remade from ordinary bicycles. There are special kits.
Converted bicycles mopeds retain the ability to move in a mode bicycle (though a bit more complicated because of the increased weight of the bike is about 10 kg and having to scroll and motor circuit with the clutch disc) .

 Moped with clutch and gearbox Riga 4 The moped with pedals and a box gear

next generation of mopeds - this motorbike with manual transmission. This design greatly improves handling characteristics. The gear shift in these mopeds usually by turning the handlebars left pressing the clutch lever.




mokik Izh Cornet 2.673 mokik - technically not much different from an ordinary bike. It has a transmission and it does not have the pedal drive. Originally, the word mokikov associated with starting the engine kick-starter. Now there mokikov with electric start and . Programs prereklyuchayutsya or left pedal or the left handle.


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